
Military Empire and Climate Cycle Views

Archive for the month “October, 2014”

10 Nobel Prize Pathways

#1. The Nobel Peace Prize could be awarded to an individual who has done extensive work to show that military spending at all times and in all nations represents lost capital investment. That means that nation’s economy will grow less by the amount of that lost capital investment. This would raise the cost of national security to its true long term enormous cost in lost economic growth, with the related loss in national status among the other nations. This in turn would put real value into any peace dividend. This puts enormous pressure to economize, to the maximum extent, in long term military preparations for war. In the long term, the highest military spending nations would be those left farthest behind other nations economically and therefore militarily as well. This would fulfill the terms of Nobel’s will “best work for ……reduction of standing armies……”
#2. The Nobel Economics Prize could be awarded to an individual who fixed a major flaw in the Keynesian economic analysis, the failure to differentiate the economic stimulus value between military spending and all other government spending. Health, Education, and Safety Net have direct value to a society, while the military has almost no value in peacetime, and the double negative rationale in wartime is still negative. Destruction is fundamentally different than construction.
#3. The Nobel Physics Prize could be awarded to an individual who showed that the Kondratiev Wave 54 year cycle begins with a long term fluctuation in the changing growth rates of global warming. This in turn changes the status of the cycle from fringe social science idea to mainstream physical sciences idea.
#4. The Nobel Economics Prize could be offered to an individual who showed how empire changes everything in an economy. Immigration flows of talent to the center, along with social disfunction internally when the military economy blocks strong growth, and the shift to the service and financial centers from manufacturing are all unique aspects of the high military spending empire condition of the economy. Changes in the workforce and politics reflect this empire condition and reinforce the negative aspects of empire.
#5. The Nobel Economics Prize could be offered to an individual who showed how dependent regional economies are on changes in the military budget. Current economic analysis focuses on corporate and financial flows only, missing a good analysis of the politically directed budget, which is mainly the military budget at the federal level in the United States. Current economics misses the opportunity cost of those regions supplying federal taxes in excess of the lack of federal funding in low military spending states and regions.
#6. The Nobel Economics Prize could be offered to an individual who constructed an accurate long term model of a major factor in a major economy with accuracy that covered nearly a full century.
#7. The Nobel Physics Prize could be awarded to an individual who discovered that major aspects of economics can actually be modeled with physics like accuracy, showing that economics is actually a branch of the physical sciences rather than a social science with all the normal human irregularities.
#8. The Nobel Peace Prize could be awarded to an individual who showed that peace can be attained not only by politics, social reformation, and attitude change, but by widespread understanding of the dire economic results of high levels of military spending for long periods of time.
#9. The Nobel Physics Prize could be awarded to an individual who turned the study of global warming into an actual precise science with a precision almost an order of magnitude higher than existing modeling. Research could explain the fifteen year pause since the last global warming high year in 1998 and explain why this pause could last until about the year 2025.
#10. The Nobel Peace Prize is open to nominations by February 1st of each year by professors of social sciences, history, philosophy, law and theology, or members of national assemblies and governments, among others. Nobel’s will states “to the person who shall have done the most or best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding or promoting of peace congresses.” The deciding committee is in Oslo, Norway. The Nobel Economics Prize is decided and awarded in Sweden, and the Nobel Physics Prize is also decided and awarded in Sweden. The names of the nominees cannot be revealed until 50 years later.
The official website is

Example of research that would encourage the “reduction of standing armies”:

Dr. Peace, Dr. Bob Reuschlein,
best contact to ask Bob to speak to your group:
to leave message: 608-230-6640
for more info:
(Real Economy 1999 available as $10 ebook)
An archive of this yearlong press release campaign can be found at:

10 Truths About Research

#1. Military Research is often too military specific to give any civilian benefit to the economy. New areas of research bring the greatest results, but much military research improves on existing ideas without creating anything truly new.
#2. Military Research is often too top secret to benefit from normal academic testing in conferences. Without the widespread dissemination of ideas, serendipity cannot happen.
#3. Much of mainstream research money goes to follow on research rather than truly original research. Grants are awarded for research desired by the grantee, not necessarily for new innovations that have no obvious benefactor at first, but often change the world.
#4. Most of the greatest innovations come from the little person not from major research institutions. Like many others, Steve Jobs started out in a garage.
#5. Independent researchers are often looked down upon by the snobs in leading academic institutions. Colleagues have recommended I present my ideas to various UW Madison forums, but with Madison the 9th ranked city in snobbery, it’s hard to get recognition as an independent researcher.
#6. Large corporations can buy up inventions that they don’t want to compete with. Such as the movie “Who Killed the Electric Car?” about California in the nineties.
#7. Large corporations can use the legal system to bankrupt the small inventor. This one was brought up as a major cause by a presenter on patent process information.
#8. Large corporations can use government restrictions to block progress of the small inventor. My personal experience in the small dry cleaner industry up against big oil shows that suspected cancer causing perclorethylene has 300 times tighter restrictions than known carcinogen in oil, benzene.
#9. Large research institutions can ignore research too far outside the mainstream. As a colleague of mine has said, 2% improvement makes you a great researcher, but 3% improvement means you are a nut job.
#10. Peer reviewed research limitations can stop small inventors from seeing the light of day. Imagine if Jesus had to have approval of the Sanhedrin to preach: that would have ended it right there.
Example of Independent Research:

Dr. Peace, Dr. Bob Reuschlein,
best contact to ask Bob to speak to your group:
to leave message: 608-230-6640
for more info:
(Real Economy 1999 available as $10 ebook)

10 Ways Empire Warps Us All

#1. Domination and control became ways of life and work. The military top down hierarchy and control become the standard for industry, education and government over time.
#2. Talent is diverted from useful productive purposes meeting ordinary human needs to use as destructive forces and political pawns.
#3. Manipulations into wars keep working as emotional tugs on ordinary citizens are used to instill fears and encourage reactionary over-reactions.
#4. Distant threats are conjured up as immediate and close at hand as resources are diverted from the homeland to distant shores.
#5. The media imperative of “it bleeds it leads” is used to promote national security types to the top of the media food chain, reducing resistance to foreign wars over relatively trivial and distant objectives.
#6. Damaged soldiers used to prosecute “dirty little colonial wars” are returned home to alienation from their families, post traumatic stress disorder, divorce, suicide, and domestic violence as the national crime and murder rates soar in proportion to the military spending.
#7. Attempts to balance the budget on the backs of veterans benefits leave war survivors under-served in veterans hospitals, despite growing numbers of amputees and brain injured, as the post war costs greatly exceed the direct war costs.
#8. Hard line stances taken against our adversaries overseas come home domestically in polarized extremist stands taken by politicians courting the fear vote.
#9. As economics and politics disintegrate, so does our health, as we lead less militarized nations in our peer group of developed nations in obesity, mental illness, teen births, infant mortality, and caesarian sections.
#10. The peace movement, strongest wherever the military spending is highest (except the media dead spot of the South), keeps itself ineffective. It pursues individual weapons systems and trivializes or ignores the severe damage the “economically inert war system as a whole” causes in pursuit of small financial gains.

For more information about how empire affects us all:

Dr. Peace, Dr. Bob Reuschlein,
best contact to ask Bob to speak to your group:
to leave message: 608-230-6640
for more info:
(Real Economy 1999 available as $10 ebook)

10 Ways Football Mimics War

10 Ways Football Mimics War

#1. Only 10% of Roman Gladiators died in the coliseum. NFL Football players have longevity 20% less than average, thereby losing twice as much life as the gladiators did.
#2. Most football players step out of bed painfully on Monday mornings and many experience multiple brain concussions. War veterans have PTSD and multiple concussions.
#3. Both teams put most of there men on the imaginary line between the teams, the so-called “front lines”, and call play in this area “in the trenches” unlike most other sports; hockey and soccer come close, but do so much less frequently than the every down football standard formation.
#4. When a team wants to put pressure on the quarterback, they resort to a tactic called blitzing, very reminiscent of the German “blitzkrieg” attack plans of the Second World War. In both cases men are sent through the front lines attempting to get beyond the normal front line men in order to cause havoc.
#5. Both soldiers and football players wear helmets as standard equipment, as well as other kinds of shielding and protective gear.
#6. Both soldiers and football players try to hit the other guy as hard and fast as they can.
#7. Knocking the other guy’s leading person out of the game is often a goal of both soldiers and football players.
#8. Nuclear bombs are considered the ultimate weapon and throwing “the bomb” and scoring a touchdown is considered the ultimate football play.
#9. In the air game receivers resemble either aircraft or paratroopers and in the ground game linemen are like infantry blocking for the running backs who are like tanks. Linebackers are like defensive reserve tanks. The quarterback is like the aircraft carrier or base, or a launching pad for missiles.
#10. Until recently, domestic violence was treated by the NFL like collateral damage is treated by the air force, an indirect result of violent behavior to be safely ignored or whitewashed away.
For more information about how football and baseball apply to America before and after empire:

Dr. Peace, Dr. Bob Reuschlein,
best contact to speak at your group:
to leave message: 608-230-6640
for more info:
(Real Economy 1999 available as $10 ebook)
An archive of this yearlong press release campaign can be found at:

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